In my last post, I gave a brief demonstration of installing and using Squeak smalltalk on the BeagleBone. In this post, I'd like to show you how to install VNC and configure the BeagleBone to automatically start Squeak on boot. Squeak has a native smalltalk VNC client and server available, which gives you the ability to leave your graphical environment running after disconnecting from the BeagleBone. By adding Squeak to the boot process, the programs we write will be automatically started and our development environment will always be available.
* If you don't have a working X11 desktop or just want to try the example from the previous demo using VNC, you can download a VNC enabled Squeak image here and skip the first step. The default password is "beagle" (without the quotes).
Step 1: Install VNC in Squeak
Login to your BeagleBone using ssh and start Squeak as demonstrated in my previous post. Once Squeak is running you can follow along with this video:
Step 2: Configure Squeak as a service
Now that the Squeak image has been prepared for VNC access, we can add it to Systemd so it will be started as a service. Run the following commands from the BeagleBone CLI as root:
cd /lib/systemd/system
Next we will configure the Squeak service to automatically start at boot time:
systemctl enable squeak.service
We can also start it on our currently running system:
systemctl start squeak.service
Step 3: Connect with a VNC client
The Squeak VNC server will now be running on your BeagleBone and you can connect with a VNC client. I normally use the 2.0 release of cotvnc on OS X, but for this next demo I'll use Vinagre, which is installed by default on Ubuntu Linux:
VNC doesn't allow us to resize the remote GUI, but we can use the following procedure to resize with X11:
save and quit from the VNC session
login to the BeagleBone via ssh with X11 forwarding
run "systemctl start squeak.service" from the CLI to restart Squeak as a service
April 20, 2012
Smalltalk on the BeagleBone
If you've ever struggled with (or simply tired of) the tedious code-compile-upload-boot-test-debug-code-compile... cycle of creation on the arduino, this may be the platform you were looking for. Running Squeaksmalltalk on the BeagleBone allows you to create your software and interact with your hardware while it is running.
For this quick introduction, I'm going to show how to connect a photoresistor to the BeagleBone and display it's value in a real-time graph, in 11 lines of code. To follow along you will need to have:
desktop or laptop computer with a network connection to the BeagleBone
Since the BeagleBone doesn't have a video output and we're going to be working in a graphical environment, we need to use an alternative. Here are a few options:
Use VNC to remotely display the smalltalk environment.
Use X11 to remotely display the smalltalk environment.
I'm going to use option 3 for this demo, since is easy and can be done without modification to any of the software we are using. X11 is pre-installed on Mac OSX and Linux. You can get X11 for Windows, but it tends to be difficult to get running and you will probably be happier with VNC. VNC adds some very useful functionality and is what I use for most of my BeagleBone development. I'll cover VNC in my next post.
Step 1: Build the circuit
The electronics components needed for this demo consist of a photoresistor (aka photocell) and a 10kΩ resistor that I picked up from my local Radio Shack. Of course you will also need some bits of wire ( I'm using jumper wires, which aren't a bad investment). Using these components, we'll build a pull-down circuit. Here is a breadboard view from Fritzing:
The BeagleBone pin connections are as follows:
Header P9 Pin 32 to one end of our photocell
Header P9 Pin 39 to the other side of the photocell along with one end of our resistor,
Header P9 Pin 34 to the other end of the resistor.
Step 2: Configure the BeagleBone
I am using a 5V wall adapter and an ethernet cable connected directly to my Mac for this demo. I've enabled Internet Sharing which has assigned the IP address to my BeagleBone. To use X11 forwarding on the BeagleBone we need to add the xauth package. First, login to your BeagleBone with ssh from a terminal window:
ssh root@
Now that you have a root shell, run the following:
opkg update
opkg install xauth
Next we can install Squeak:
mkdir /opt
cd /opt
tar xvzf squeak4.2-beaglebone.tgz